
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Premature Ejaculation Cure through Natural Herbs

Adam and eve were the first humans that were created by God. They were considered as the sole ancestors of all the human communities. God made it a rule or a law that both the sexes are attracted towards each other to perform a process that is responsible for the growth of their progeny.

For generating a good progeny both the partners should be in good health and should be disease free. But nowadays it has been commonly seen that males suffers from peculiar disorder that called as premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation may be defined as the early release of sperm by men during sexual process without completing the act of sexual intercourse. In ayurveda it is known as sheegrapatan.


There might be many causes by which premature ejaculation occurs. These may be physiological causes and physical causes.

Excessive masturbation
Prostrate problems
Hormonal disturbances
Weak musculature
Wrong feeding habits
Excess consuming of alcohol and smoking.


No doubt there are lots of medicines available in market especially the blue pill commonly known as Viagra. But it might just give you relief but is not able to treat. Ayurveda, the age old science is very helpful in curing various sexual diseases especially premature ejaculation.

Shilajit (mineral pitch) it is ayurvedic organo-mineral preparation that is extremely powerful in its action. It helps in providing endurance in males. Shilajit is derived from the mountains especially those that come in Himalayan range. It is a semisolid substance that oozes out of the Himalayan Mountains especially in summers. It is actually decomposed plant matter that is formed due to drifts in layers of mountains. Due to heat, especially in summer these oozes out of the mountains in the form of resins. It is very helpful in providing strength to the body making it rock solid. It is also helpful in increasing the libido of the body and helps in preventing disease like premature ejaculation and impotence.

Salab mishri (orchis latifolia) salab mishri is one of the herb that is very good and is very effective in promoting sexual performance. It works as an excellent aphrodisiac agent that is very helpful in treating various diseases related to sexual heath. It is an orchid that is found growing in areas that are bit cold in nature. It is found growing wild in India and Indian sub continent. It is very helpful in treatimng diseses like premature ejaculation, impotence and erectile dysfunction.

Ashwagandha one of the most prestigious herbs. It is an herb that has multiple area of working. It is very helpful in suppressing vata dosha in the body. It is efficiently works as an general body toner and supplies body with new energies and zeal. It is also considered as an excellent aphrodisiac agent. It is commonly kneon as Indian ginseng. It is a powerful sexual stimulant and helps in getting rid of various diseases like premature ejaculation, impotence and erectile dysfunction. It is also used to increase libido.

Safed musli (curculigo orchioides) it is an herb that is a powerful sexual stimulant and is very widely used as an aphrodisiac agent. It not only supplies body with the energy but is also increase the blood circulation especially to the genitals that are very essential. It also is helpful in increasing the sperm count thereby increasing to the libido.

Read about Premature Ejaculation Cure at - World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies

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