
Monday, September 10, 2007

Beginner's Guide to the Chakras

Chakras are energy or power centres that are positioned along the body. They function as energy transformers, taking the energy from the environment around you and transporting it into and around your body; conversely they also take energy from your body and expel it into the environment. The chakras also change this energy into a form that your body can use and is vital for your health and well-being.

In Sanskrit the word chakra means "wheel" and refers to the shape and the spinning nature of chakras. A healthy and balanced chakra will spin quicker than one out of balance and will be able to transform the energies around you faster.

There are seven main chakra centres that are positioned along the spine from the coccyx at the base all the way up to the top of your head. Each of these is associated with different emotions and parts of the body. Other chakras centres are located on the hands and feet.

Some people do claim to be able to see chakras, but if you're like most people and you can't then you can imagine them as spinning vortexes of light, coming out of your body at right angles, with each chakra a different colour of the rainbow.

The seven major chakras are positioned over the various endocrine glands that are found in the body, such as the adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands. These glands are responsible for secreting the hormones that regulate the physical and emotional processes in your body such as happiness, energy levels and physical desire. The chakra associated with each gland helps to keep this secretion balanced. Keeping your chakras balanced and healthy therefore will help to keep the hormone levels in your body balanced resulting in emotional and physical well-being.

If you're finding it hard to imagine how the chakras work then here's an example that might help --

Have you ever gone to a really vibrant restaurant or bar feeling completely exhausted and in a bad mood but when you left were full of energy and all the joys of spring? This of course could in part be due to the great people you met that night but if you think about it carefully you might have noticed the mood of the venue and felt your spirits lift soon after you walked through the door. At this point your chakras got to work and started to take this vibrant energy for you and your body whilst at the same time getting rid of all the negative energy that was making you so tired and grouchy. So in no time at all, and with no effort or thought, you have just helped to balance your chakras and stay on the road to good mental and physical health.

Of course you don't have to spend all your free time in happening bars to help you balance your chakras, there are many far simpler and easier ways to do this including meditation, crystal therapy, sound therapy and massage, even just visualising them spinning vibrantly and full of light will have beneficial results.

If your chakras are out of balance for any period of time it can, apart from having a negative affect upon your emotional well being, manifest itself in the form of disease. Have a look through the brief guide to each of the chakras, listed below, you can use it to assess whether any of your chakras need aligning and activating.

Root Chakra - Located at the base of the spine this chakra is the centre of your basic needs for security, belonging and survival and is the chakra that connects us with the physical earth. The colour red, the adrenal gland and the element earth are associated with this chakra.

When balanced one will feel connected to nature and have a trust in nature's laws. Out of balance this chakra could cause health problems with the rectum and hips, such as haemorrhoids and constipation. Examples of emotional problems could be too much attention and focus on material possessions and an inability to trust nature.

Sacral Chakra -- Located near the genitals this chakra is the centre for your creativity, sexual energy and pure emotions. It is associated with the colour orange, the reproductive glands, and the element water.

When this chakra is in balance one will be friendly, open and will have no trouble sharing feelings with others. Health issues associated with this chakra if out of balance are problems with the reproductive and urinary systems. Emotional concerns would be a worry around sexual and emotional issues.

Solar Plexus Chakra -- Located at the solar plexus, just below the navel, this chakra is where the personality is formed and is associated with feelings of self worth, identity, determination, personal power and passion. The colour for this chakra is yellow and is associated with the pancreas and the element fire.

When balanced this chakra will give one a sense of inner calm and peace, and tolerance towards others. If this chakra is out of balance possible health concerns could be problems with the stomach, spleen and small intestine. Diabetes, liver disease and ulcers are also possible problems. Emotional issues would be manifested by a need to dominate and a need for material security and wealth.

Heart Chakra -- This chakra is located at the centre of the chest and is where feelings and emotions are processed, including compassion, vulnerability, tenderness, detachment, hurt, bitterness, courage and forgiveness. It is associated with the colour green, the thymus gland and the element air.

When balanced the heart chakra will give one a feeling of wholeness and an acceptance of life and relationships. Out of balance will often mean a problem with accepting love from others or loving insincerely or for rewards. Possible physical problems could be heart problems, blood disease or problems with the immune system.

Throat Chakra -- This chakra is located between the collar bones and is where emotions are mediated and communicated. The colour light blue, the adrenal gland and the element ether are associated with this chakra.

When this chakra is in balance one will find it easy to be expressive, to communicate thoughts and ideas clearly, and trust one's intuition. Possible problems when out of balance will be sore throats, thyroid problems, tonsillitis and hearing difficulties. It could also be manifested by an inability to speak out or incessant chattering.

Third Eye -- This chakra is located between the eyes and is associated with intuition. It is associated with the colour indigo, the pituitary gland and all the elements.

When the third eye chakra is in balance one will feel connected to the universe, be aware of the spiritual side of life and trust one's intuition. Out of balance it could manifest itself through headaches, visual problems, sinusitis and nightmares. Crown Chakra -- This chakra is located on top of the head and is where the connection with the universe takes place. It is associated with the colour violet and the pineal gland.

When this chakra is in balance one will feel connected to and live in harmony with a higher power. Out of balance it could be reflected by depression and brain disorders.

Ceri Balston is the editor of the lifestyle portal Harmonious Living. Visit

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Bridesmaid Dresses How Important Are They?

Are you currently planning a wedding and wondering how important the style and color of the bridesmaid dresses are in matching with the theme of your wedding?

Are bridesmaid dresses so really important anyway? After all, it is the bride who is the one who shines above everybody else on her big day anyway!

Bridesmaid dresses do play an important role in any wedding. Having bridesmaid gowns that fit in with the overall theme of your wedding is important, let me explain why.

A well-chosen bridesmaid gown should contrast perfectly with the wedding dress, flowers and invitations as this definitely helps with setting the tone of your overall wedding. However, another major function of the bridesmaid dress is to contrast with the brides gown in such a way that it makes the brides dress stand-out even more than it does on its own. Therefore, a bridesmaids dress is a means to truly compliment the brides gown in an elegant and eloquent manner.

However, there are several factors to take into consideration when deciding on what type of bridesmaid dress to get.

For example:

Who will be your bridesmaids?

Are they grown adults, small children, or both?

Are they full-figured ladies or are they slim and petite?

What color hair/skin have your bridesmaids? - a yellow dress would not necessarily suit a blond or a redhead

Is the wedding in the summer or winter?

Do the maids dresses need a warm wrap if for a winter wedding?

These things have to be thought out before you go off hunting for the perfect bridesmaid gowns as not all styles of dress suit everyone. The same bridesmaid dress for a child will probably not suit a more mature bridesmaid. Therefore, you may have to choose two different styles of gowns, one for the adult maids and another for the small maids.

If your bridesmaids have different hair and skin coloring, and you want them all to be in the same color dress, then you must try and pick a neutral color that will suit all hair color and skin types. As in the example above, a yellow dress would not necessarily suit a blond or a redhead, but would be more suited to a brunette. An alternative to this scenario is to have a rainbow wedding. Have a different colored dress to suit the individual bridesmaids depending on the color of their hair and skin. I have seen this type of wedding many times before, and it always looks so bright and colorful.

Even if the wedding is in the Spring or Summer and you have opted for an outdoor wedding, it still may be a good idea to purchase (or have made) some sort of wrap or material covering the shoulders of the bridesmaids as it still could be slightly chilly. Unfortunately, one can never predict the weather on such occasions!

To summarize, yes your bridesmaid dresses do play a very important role in your wedding and they should be totally suited to each bridesmaid individually. However, they should certainly not 'out-do' the bride and her wedding dress. The role of the bridesmaid dress is to compliment the bride in an eloquent manner, whilst also blending in with the overall theme and color-scheme of the wedding.

Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of many websites. For futher information on Bridesmaid Dresses visit her site.

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